These cases are a stark reflection of the Canadian state’s methods here at home when faced with Indigenous people defending their land rights and the environment. The Wet’suwet’en blockades were met ...
... the local governments from the barangay to the province, put barricades up in July 2019 to prevent the company from operating after its FTAA expired. The action was instrumental in forcing the company ...
... when poorly or hastily implemented, can affect the investments of mining investors. Environmental concerns have also led to instances of activist, local government or community "blockades" at sites. This ...
In 2014, the Association for Economic and Social Development (Asociación para el Desarrollo Económico y Social, ADES in its Spanish acronym), a community organization located in Cabañas, began promoting ...
... Hotels and Resort is on its way to displace around 11,000 Juma cultivators and six villages of indigenous Mro Community in Chittagong Hill Crest, Bangladesh. Arguing the Kenyan government’s forest conservation ...
... co-founder of the Council of Indigenous People of Honduras (COPINH). Over more than two decades, she was fighting against land grabbing, illegal logging and mega-projects. She was awarded the Goldman Environmental ...
... to Global Witness, Honduras is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be an environmental activist. Over the past two decades, more than 100 farmers in the Bajo Aguán have been killed in incidents ...
... not received proper maintenance or upgrades since Francisco Flores was president from 1999 to 2004. President Bukele shared photos and explained how the negligence and corruption of the last 30 years have ...
... struggling to defend public health and their environments against the destruction and devastation of mining extractivism for decades, as well as to the safety of workers in the mining sector. The key trends: ...
... for the Socioeconomic Development of El Salvador – ADES, stated that “11 years after the brutal assassinations, motivated by the greed of a mining company and covered up by state impunity, we still demand ...
... and the judicial system. Solway's corrupt money contributes to the corruption that pervades the repressive and judicial apparatuses of the Izabal and Alta Verapaz region. Given the contempt for the Constitutional ...
... the Foundation Studies for the Application of Law (FESPAD) as well as part of the National Alliance against Water Privatization, stated that for decades the Ecological Walk served to address issues such ...
Caracol Radio Bucamaranga
El director de la Agencia Nacional de Defensa Jurídica del Estado, Camilo Gómez les dijo a las autoridades de Bucaramanga que es optimista frente a la suerte del proceso iniciado ...
... States and Canada. As demonstrated in our report “Extraction Casino,” during the last couple of decades — and particularly during the last ten years — mining companies have filed dozens of claims against ...
... and the community will defend it with all the means at their disposal.
“The Tocoa community is a united community, it has inherited decades of organization in the agrarian struggle against large landowners ...
... communities for decades to come.
Associate Fellow Jen Moore attended the Mariano Abarca Environmental Defense Forum on behalf of IPS, which is one of 32 Mexican, U.S., Canadian and Latin American organizations ...
... for the Development of El Salvador CRIPDES and the Association ADES from Santa Marta.
The mining industry does not provide enough conditions to improve access to employment, food, water and higher quality ...
... of ADES and local environmentalist, Alirio Hernández.
Hernandez recounts how the tactics that Pacific Rim conspired to persecute and assassinate, Marcelo Rivera in 2009, for his fight against metal mining ...
... banned metal mining in all its forms. But the problem of the San Sebastián mine, which for decades has been exploited by artisanal miners, is still unresolved. In fact, according to the mining prohibition law, ...
... mining industry.
Among the specific requests of the organizations, UNES, ADES, CRIPDES and ACAFREMIN, there is the allocation of sufficient economic resources to execute various actions related to mine closures and ...